Author: Prateek Singh


Powershell vs Command Prompt 

Personally, Command prompt is boring and Powershell comes with comparatively lot more features and commands that can make your life easy. 1. Powershell Cmdlets are easier to remember (the Verb-Noun Pair) compared to CMD commands. 2. Powershell looks great in Blue color ( ~ My Favourite…


Powershell : The HELP System 

Most important thing in mastering powershell is to understand how windows Powershell Help system works. According to me its the best tool provided by the powerhsell creators for understanding and reference purposes. Once you get an idea how it works your learning process will become…


Powershell : Command your CMDLET's 

A cmdlet is a lightweight command that is used in the Windows PowerShell environment. SYNTAX : Verb-Noun -Parameter Value -SwitchParameter Command name Commands always begin with a command name, such as New-Alias. Type the command name or its alias, such a “gcm” for Get-Command. Parameters The…


An Introduction to Powershell 

PowerShell is a scripting tool used by IT administrators who manage applications, servers, networks, users, and operating systems. It is task-based, meaning the scripts you run can accomplish many complex and repetitive administrative tasks that would otherwise be complicated, cumbersome, and time consuming to perform…