
If you want to stay on top of #PowerShell community and whatever is happening around the world related to PowerShell then you are at the right place friend! In this PowerShell Weekly Newsletter, I will cover content from the following sources, which you don’t want to miss 😎

⚡ Editor picks – blogs, articles
 Trending on @Github
⚡ Top Tweets
⚡ Top @reddit posts
⚡ New on @YouTube
⚡ Bestsellers on @leanpub


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Table of Contents

Editors Pick

Here are some of the articles specially picked by me for your reading…

  • How to Manage Microsoft Teams via PowerShell

    by Anthony Bartolo

    I’ve listened to a few of my Windows-friendly compatriots attempting to explain PowerShell to their Linux colleagues, and it hasn’t always gone well. The problem, I think, is that a lot of Windows folks don’t actually know why PowerShell exists in the first place. Let me explain.

    Microsoft Teams usage has increased greatly during the current pandemic.  All types of organizations are using the communications tool to stay connected with their employees and customers alike.  The increase of use has also resulted in an increase in demand for system administrator’s time to manage Microsoft Teams. Everything from adding users and groups to managing policies of said users and groups can be managed via PowerShell.  This post will highlight the foundations to get started and provide links to continue your automation through the scriptwriting journey.

    Let’s begin …  [Read more]

  • The PowerShell Conference Book. Volume 3

    by Mark KrausMichael ZanattaJoe HoughesChristian CoventrySteven JuddPhil BossmanAdil Leghari, and Arnaud Petitjean

    This volume, like the 2 before it, is designed to be like a conference in a book where each chapter is written by a different author who is a subject matter expert on the topic covered in their chapter. Each chapter is also independent of the others so you can read one chapter, ten chapters, or all of them. You can start with the first chapter, the last one, or somewhere in-between and not miss out on anything related to that particular topic. This book is written for the intermediate to advanced audience. Prior experience with PowerShell is highly recommended.  [Read more]

  • How to Send Email Securely with PowerShell

    by @alistek

    Need to notify your team on a failed service, only to find that your PowerShell email has bounced? An unauthenticated email has become difficult to pass in many mail systems. You don’t want to miss an important email notification because you relied on outdated PowerShell cmdlets. The built-in cmdlet Send-MailMessage no longer covers sending email securely.. [Read more]

Trending Github Repositories

Github repositories that are trending are a good way to find and contribute to some cool PowerShell projects! Following is the list of top 10 trending PowerShell Github repositories.

Repository Description Stars Forks Num Of Stars Today
Sycnex/Windows10Debloater Script to remove Windows 10 bloatware. 6,211 750 6,211
actions/virtual-environments GitHub Actions virtual environments 1,137 482 1,137
Disassembler0/Win10-Initial-Setup-Script PowerShell script for automation of routine tasks done after fresh installations of Windows 10 / Server 2016 / Server 2019 3,932 876 3,932
farag2/Windows-10-Setup-Script Script to setup Windows 10 LTSC/1903/1909/2004 1,419 188 1,419
ChrisTitusTech/win10script This is the Ultimate Windows 10 Script from a creation from multiple debloat scripts and gists from github. 217 271 217
W4RH4WK/Debloat-Windows-10 A collection of Scripts which disable / remove Windows 10 Features and Apps 4,342 627 4,342
EmpireProject/Empire Empire is a PowerShell and Python post-exploitation agent. 5,538 2,005 5,538
lukesampson/scoop A command-line installer for Windows. 11,347 925 11,347
PowerShellMafia/PowerSploit PowerSploit – A PowerShell Post-Exploitation Framework 7,341 2,824 7,341
lextm/windowsterminal-shell Install/uninstall scripts for Windows Terminal context menu items 459 48 459


Top Tweets


If you are into tech then you can’t miss these PowerShell related popular tweets in last week, here is the list of top 10 most popular PowerShell tweets…


Twitter Handle Retweet Count Favorite Count Status Status URL
@DirectoryRanger 80 191 Invisi-Shell. Hide your #Powershell script in plain sight. Bypass all Powershell security features.

@Hakin9 76 122 Unicorn is a simple tool for using a PowerShell downgrade attack and inject shellcode straight into memory.… [Tweet]
@Steve_MSFT 52 74 #PowerShell 7.1-preview.6 is out! Read about some important changes in this release: [Tweet]
@ptracesecurity 43 90 Luckystrike: An Evil Office Document Generator. #Pentesting #PowerShell #CyberSecurity… [Tweet]
@rimpq 39 91 The Grep of #PowerShell [Tutorial]
#windows #BlueTeam
@_Hubbl3 36 82 Am I late to the party? Did everyone know you can disable #PowerShell Module Logging with:

$module = Get-Module Mi…

@12Knocksinna 32 68 .@Office365 Do you like Microsoft’s attempt to generate additional license revenues by enabling self-service purcha… [Tweet]
@TrustedSec 26 51 In this second installment of the ‘Become a #Malware Analyst Series,” @_snus focuses on #PowerShell obfuscation by… [Tweet]
@Steve_MSFT 25 54 It appears #PowerShell 7.1-preview.6 is now available in the Microsoft Store. Give it a try: [Tweet]
@PitreJonathan 24 58 My #PowerShell module for Powershell App Deployment Toolkit is now on! You can install it… [Tweet]


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Top Reddit posts

PowerShell Reddit r/PowerShell is a vibrant community and you should be on board if you want to get onto the nerve of PowerShell Community, here is a list of top Reddit posts last week..

Author Title Ups Num of Comments URL
/u/Wireless_Life How to Manage Microsoft Teams via PowerShell 97 32 [Post]
/u/rumorsofdemise UPDATE: I made an automatically populating script menu. 66 20 [Post]
/u/jborean93 WSMan PSRemoting on Linux 60 9 [Post]
/u/gregj529 Cut and Paste Between Worksheets in Excel using Powershell 46 13 [Post]
/u/BFG20K Hybrid [PowerShell/C#] Class-Based Techniques 39 2 [Post]
/u/banzr Total system update of windows 10 and dev apps 30 17 [Post]
/u/Tomer8009 Is there a way to reach the profile of the currently logged on user rather than the profile that runs the Powershell? 26 24 [Post]
/u/ZeroHertz How can I script this? 21 23 [Post]
/u/PTSDviaPrinters Automation Tasks via Email. 21 11 [Post]
/u/TylerDotRar Created a rough PowerShell variant of the Unix based Vim CLI Text Editor (PseudoVym) 20 17 [Post]


New on Youtube

Here are all new PowerShell videos uploaded on last week!


Channel Title URL
Roel Van de Paar PowerShell – Changing the PipelineVariable name [Video]
tor sec How to bypass antivirus using PowerShell reverse shell [Video]
Roel Van de Paar Open Explorer and Highlight Specific File with PowerShell [Video]
IT Generalist aka Mr Automation Powershell part12 (How to use do-while and while loop in Powershell) [Video]
Tips For IT Pros Getting Started With Azure Powershell [Video]
Motasem Hamdan – CyberSecurity Trainer Windows Privilege Escalation and Keyboard Sniffing with Metasploit and Powershell [Video]
Learn Courses Smart #34 Running TShark with PowerShell – Wireshark-3 Tutorials [Video]
AAN Creation How to View Installed Apps with PowerShell on Windows 10 [Video]
Kamil Procyszyn Setting up Active Directory with PowerShell – PowerShell for IT Professionals [Video]


Bestseller Books on

Here are the top 10 book titles which were trending as bestsellers under the PowerShell category!


Rank Title Author(s)
1 The PowerShell Conference Book Mark Kraus, Michael Zanatta, Joe Houghes, Christian Coventry, Steven Judd, Phil Bossman, Adil Leghari, Arnaud Petitjean
2 The PowerShell Scripting and Toolmaking Book Don Jones, Jeff Hicks
3 The PowerShell Conference Book Michael T Lombardi, Mark Kraus
4 The PowerShell Practice Primer Jeff Hicks
5 Building PowerShell Modules Brandon Olin
6 PowerShell to C# and back Prateek Singh, Deepak Singh Dhami
7 The PowerShell Conference Book Jeff Hicks, Mike F Robbins, Michael T Lombardi, The DevOps Collective, Inc.
8 PowerShell Guide to Python Prateek Singh
9 Shell of an Idea Don Jones
10 PowerShell Tips to Write By Adam Bertram


Optical Character Recognition

Author of “PowerShell Guide to Python“, “Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)” and currently writing the most awaited book: “PowerShell to C# and Back” !

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