A quick demo on how to create a Time Triggered Azure Function to randomly fetch video contents, I’ve posted on my YouTube channel and tweet it on my twitter profile at scheduled intervals.

What can this Azure Function do?

  1. Collects youtube data – video titles and URLs
  2. Select random video title and URL
  3. Compose a new tweet text with hashtags
  4. Authenticate to Twitter and publish a tweet

Twitter Module – https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/InvokeTwitterAPIs-84cf88a3
To get Twitter access and secret tokens – https://apps.twitter.com/
Create a new Azure App Service – https://ridicurious.com/2018/05/14/severless-api-powershell-azure-functions/



If you like this video, please subscribe to my youtube channel here which is the motivation for me to create more such videos 🙂 thank you!


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