Azure, Powershell

Azure Visualizer PowerShell module v1.1.2 released!

Hello friend, Welcome to my blog! 😇

If you are reading about the AzViz PowerShell module for the first time this blog post ‘Automate your Azure Infrastructure Diagrams with PowerShell’  will bring you to speed.

One-liner: ‘AzViz’ is the programmatical or automated way to visualize Azure infrastructure! 🔥

And, If you like reading my content and projects I pursue follow me on Twitter @singhprateik, for all the updates!

What’s new in AzViz Module?

In latest release v1.1.2, I’ve introduced some new features and squashed some bugs!

You can install the latest release from PowerShell gallery:

Install-Module -Name Az -Scope CurrentUser -Repository PSGallery -Force

So, coming to the point what’s new in the module?

Better visualization of Network infrastructure

Much improved Network infrastructure diagram and the associated resources are represented in much better way!

That means ‘AzViz’ module is now capable of plotting Subnets inside Virtual networks and enclosing any resource which are contained within like Network Interface cards (NICs) and Virtual machines.

Previously these were plotted as nodes, which kind of worked but that’s not how we create infrastructure diagrams 🙂

Improved labels for container resources

What I mean by containers is basically Subscriptions, Resource Groups, Virtual Networks and Subnets because these are usually containing some resource or another inside them.

Now these containers have Azure Icons in the label representing their type and some additional information as mentioned in the following table:

Subscriptions Name and ID
Resource Groups Name and Location
Virtual Network Name and CIDR notation
Subnet Name and CIDR notation

Excluding Azure resource types/providers

This enables us to avoid plotting any specific Azure resources or Azure Providers by just them as an argument to the '-ExcludeTypes' parameter of the Export-AzViz cmdlet. And good news is that it accepts *wildcards* as input 😎

Export-AzViz -ResourceGroup "prateek" -ExcludeTypes "*workspace*", "Microsoft.Storage*"

Supports Empty Virtual Networks and Subnets

When there are no Azure resources associated with network components like VNets and subnets they are plotted as empty containers now as shown in the following image:

Improved dark and neon themes

Well.. these themes look nice, right? 😍

Supports diagram legends

Legends show what each edge in the diagram means. Right now the  dependencies are drawn on following basis drawn on basis of following metadata:

Bug Fixes

GitHub Repository


Read the docs here: https://azviz.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

Author of “PowerShell Guide to Python“, “Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)“, “Learn C# in 30 minutes” and currently writing the most awaited book: “PowerShell to C# and Back“!

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