
If you want to stay on top of #powershell community and whatever is happening around the world related to PowerShell then you are at the right place friend! We will cover Trending Github Repos, Popular Tweets, Trending Reddit posts, new videos on Youtube, and finally, some editors pick which you don’t want to miss 😎

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Table of Contents

Editors Pick

Here are some of the articles specially picked by me for your reading…

  • [Article] Step-by-Step: Deploy Azure PowerShell Functions with GitHub Actions

    by @Ba4bes

    I have written posts before about creating an Azure DevOps pipeline for Azure functions and creating a GitHub Actions workflow for ARM templates. In this post, I want to give you a step by step guide on how you can deploy Azure PowerShell Functions with GitHub Actions.

    What will this post cover?

    GitHub Actions give you the option to create a CICD workflow that can deploy directly to Azure. The technology is actively developed and getting more and more options to work with.

    In this post, we will go through the process to deploy Azure PowerShell Functions with GitHub Actions. I think this will translate to other languages pretty well. The workflow will first deploy the function if it does not exist. After that, it will use the publish profile to deploy the PowerShell code in the repository to Azure. I have found some great resources that go into the depth of what happens which I will link on the way.

    [Read more]

  • [Article] In-Depth Guide to Building a PowerShell Pipeline in Azure DevOps

    by @adbertram

    In this in-depth tutorial, you’re going to learn how PowerShell scripts work in AzDo pipelines creating a PowerShell pipeline. You’ll learn all about how to invoke code, saved scripts in your source control repositories, and also how to work with pipeline variables in scripts.

    [Read more]

  • [Article] Introducing Bicep PowerShell Module

    by @StefanIvemo

    As you may know, I’m completely sold on Bicep, I absolutely love using it! Since a while back I use Bicep to create all my templates for Azure Deployments (as long the features I need is supported in Bicep) and I’m super excited for the upcoming release of v0.3 that will give us the missing piece of the puzzle, copy loops!

    Lately, I’ve been spending a lot of time creating a bunch of Bicep modules that I re-use in my templates over and over again. When I’ve spent a couple of hours coding I usually end up with a folder containing multiple .bicep files that I need to compile running bicep build. But since bicep build doesn’t have a --all switch or support wildcard characters on Windows (on OSX/Linux you can run bicep build *.bicep), I started using a simple PowerShell function to compile all .bicep files in a folder instead of compiling them one by one. After a couple of days using the function, it escalated with more features and I decided to put together a PowerShell module that wraps Bicep CLI and share it with the community. And that’s how the Bicep PowerShell Module was born.

    [Read more]

  • Getting started with Azure PowerShell

    A walkthrough of getting started with Azure PowerShell.For the sample file, I use see

    00:00 Introduction
    00:26 Interacting with Azure methods
    05:17 PowerShell tooling
    06:38 Azure PowerShell module evolution
    10:48 Installing PowerShell module
    18:02 Authentication
    28:56 Contexts
    35:15 Azure Cloud Shell
    39:39 Code in the cloud shell
    41:13 Doing stuff in PowerShell
    43:37 PowerShell pipeline usefulness
    45:30 Looking at different types of resource
    47:50 Resource graph with PowerShell
    49:28 Finding commands
    50:50 Close

Trending Github Repositories

Github repositories that are trending are a good way to find and contribute to some cool PowerShell projects! Following is the list of the top 10 trending PowerShell Github repositories.

Repository Description Stars Forks Num Of Stars Today
actions/virtual-environments GitHub Actions virtual environments 2,269 836 99
BloodHoundAD/BloodHound Six Degrees of Domain Admin 5,011 1,003 21
PowerShellMafia/PowerSploit PowerSploit – A PowerShell Post-Exploitation Framework 7,935 3,087 26
samratashok/nishang Nishang – Offensive PowerShell for the red team, penetration testing, and offensive security. 4,737 1,674 34
hak5/bashbunny-payloads The Official Bash Bunny Payload Repository 1,522 998 8
sandroasp/Microsoft-Integration-and-Azure-Stencils-Pack-for-Visio Microsoft Integration, Azure, Power Platform, Office 365 and much more Stencils Pack it’s a Visio package that contains fully resizable Visio shapes (symbols/icons) that will help you to visually represent On-premise, Cloud, or Hybrid Integration and Enterprise architectures scenarios (BizTalk Server, API Management, Logic Apps, Service Bus, Even… 642 195 9
nsacyber/Mitigating-Obsolete-TLS Guidance for mitigating obsolete Transport Layer Security configurations. #nsacyber 154 18 40
monoxgas/sRDI Shellcode implementation of Reflective DLL Injection. Convert DLLs to position independent shellcode 902 264 17
Disassembler0/Win10-Initial-Setup-Script PowerShell script for automation of routine tasks done after fresh installations of Windows 10 / Server 2016 / Server 2019 4,242 982 8
Azure/RDS-Templates ARM Templates for Remote Desktop Services deployments 244 405 0


Trending PowerShell Developers on Github

Following is the list of developers building some cool projects and tools in PowerShell on Github, and popular repositories in their profiles.

Developer Popular Repository Repository Description
Ingvar Stepanyan WiFi-Password People ask you for the Wi-Fi password. Answer quickly.
Jakub Jareš Assert A set of advanced assertions for Pester to simplify how you write tests.
Keith Dahlby posh-git A PowerShell environment for Git
Andy Zhang demo examples, best practices for k8s volumes on azure, AKS, acs-engine, helm, etc.
Christophe Dervieux r-bucket Personal scoop bucket I use as an R user and software engineer
Gerald Versluis HideGoXLRWindow This little solution hides the GoXLR App window on startup since there is no way to do that from the software itself
Doug Finke ImportExcel PowerShell module to import/export Excel spreadsheets, without Excel
Brandon Olin Terminal-Icons A PowerShell module to show file and folder icons in the terminal
Stefan Scherer packer-windows Windows Templates for Packer: Win10, Server 2016, 1709, 1803, 1809, 2019, 1903, 1909, 2004, Insider with Docker
Adam Driscoll selenium-powershell PowerShell module to run a Selenium WebDriver.


Top Tweets


If you are into tech then you can’t miss these PowerShell related popular tweets in last week, here is the list of the top most popular PowerShell tweets…



Twitter Handle Retweet Count Favorite Count Status Status URL
@0gtweet 50 113 Simple, but fully working #backdoor based on #IIS + #PowerShell. With remote commands issued through Base64 in the… [Tweet]
@SeguraOSD 46 122 I spent my long weekend working on documenting how to create #ScheduledTasks with #PowerShell [Tweet]
@varonis 43 69 🤖@tokyoneon_ walks through a privilege escalation method where attackers leverage built-in PowerShell features to e… [Tweet]
@12Knocksinna 39 101 .@Office365 We’ve put lots of example #PowerShell scripts from the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook into a GitHub repos… [Tweet]
@Steve_MSFT 35 51 #PowerShell 7.1.1 is out!

As usual, some pkgs are still in process of being published outside of GitHub.

@Ba4bes 33 94 New blog post! Step-by-Step: Deploy Azure PowerShell Functions with GitHub Actions

Want to get your #PowerShell…

@thorstenbutz 21 121 From time to time I am still surprised about the amazing beauty of PowerShell.

docker images –format “{{json .}}” | ConvertFrom-Json | sort {iex $_.Size} -d | select Size,Repository,Tag,CreatedSince

@JustinWGrote 29 64 #Powershell #SecretManagement #Chrome #Edge vault extension is good enough for an initial release, check it out! [Tweet]


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Top Reddit posts

PowerShell Reddit r/PowerShell is a vibrant community and you should be on board if you want to get onto the nerve of the PowerShell Community, here is a list of top Reddit posts from last week.

Author Title Ups Num of Comments URL
/u/Arkiteck A PowerShell Template For Creating The Perfect Function 194 30 [Post]
/u/compwiz32 How to customize your PowerShell command prompt 74 21 [Post]
/u/poshftw Set-DesktopBackgroundColorByComputerName 62 27 [Post]
/u/JustA90sKid TIL PowerShell has an -XOR operator 55 22 [Post]
/u/No_War3219 Good small-time project ideas 43 28 [Post]
/u/jerdub1993 For any other finance nerds like me, I created a module for the Finviz stock screener where you can specify whichever filters you want and it’ll generate the URL for that query. 37 3 [Post]
/u/TiiimK Powershell Code Review 36 17 [Post]
/u/mdj_ Monitoring Individual Thread CPU Utilization using PowerShell 33 2 [Post]
/u/seyo_IV I’ve made a thing 30 16 [Post]
/u/powershellnut Need a break? I created an interactive Tic-Tac-Toe game with a built-in bot 28 5 [Post]


New on Youtube

Here are all the new PowerShell videos uploaded on last week!

Channel Title URL

Getting started with Azure PowerShell


Using Encrypted Credentials with PowerShell & PDQ

Travis Roberts

Starting Lab Computers with Stream Deck, a Webhook, and an Azure PowerShell Function


Create A Super-Mario Themed Powershell Prompt




Bestseller Books on

Here are the top 5 book titles which were trending as bestsellers under the PowerShell category!

Rank Title Author(s)
1 The PowerShell Practice Primer Jeff Hicks
2 Shell of an Idea Don Jones
3 The PowerShell Conference Book Mark KrausMichael ZanattaJoe HoughesChristian CoventrySteven JuddPhil BossmanAdil LeghariArnaud PetitjeanBill Kindle, and The DevOps Collective, Inc.
4 The PowerShell Conference Book 2 Michael T Lombardi and Mark Kraus
5 Building PowerShell Modules Brandon Olin


Optical Character Recognition

Author of “PowerShell Guide to Python“, “Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)” , Learn C# in 30 minutes, and currently writing the most awaited book: “PowerShell to C# and Back !


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