
If you want to stay on top of #PowerShell community and whatever is happening around the world related to PowerShell then you are at the right place friend! In this PowerShell Weekly Newsletter, I will cover content from the following sources, which you don’t want to miss 😎.

⚡ Editor picks – blogs, articles
Trending  Repositories on @Github
Trending Developers on @Github
⚡ Top Tweets
⚡ Top @reddit posts
⚡ New on @YouTube
⚡ Bestsellers on @leanpub


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Table of Contents

Editors Pick

Here are some of the articles specially picked by me for your reading…

  • PowerShellGet 3.0 Preview 10 Release

    by @sydneysmithreal

    PowerShellGet 3.0 preview 10 is now available on the PowerShell Gallery. This blog post will cover all of the feature updates since we last published a blog post ( preview 6). These versions include completed functionality for updating PSResources, input-object support for installing PSResources as well as several bug fixes. To install the latest version of the module, open any console any run:

    Install-Module PowerShellGet -AllowPrerelease -Force -Repository PSGallery -SkipPublisherCheck


    What’s new in the preview releases

    New Features

    • Completed functionality for Update-PSResource
    • Input-Object parameter for Install-PSResource
    • Add ‘sudo’ check for admin privileges in Unix in Install-PSResource
    • Adds DSCResources

    Bug Fixes

    • Improved experience when loading module for different frameworks
    • Bugfix for assembly loading error in Publish-PSResource
    • Allow for relative paths when registering a PSRepository
    • Improved error handling for Install-PSResource and Update-PSResource
    • Remove prerelease tag from module version directory
    • Fix error getting thrown from paths with an incorrect format

    [Read more]

  • PowerShell 7.1-preview.7 is out! before our Release Candidate! 

    Breaking Changes

    • Fix $? to not be $false when native command writes to stderr (#13395)

    Engine Updates and Fixes

    • Initial work of the subsystem plugin model (for minimal powershell) (#13186)
    • Optimize GetSystemLockdownPolicy for non-lockdown scenarios (#13438)

    General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes

    • Revert “Add the parameter -Paged to Get-Help to support paging (#13374)” (#13519)
    • Add support for TLS 1.3 in Web cmdlets (#13409) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
    • Add null check for args in CommandLineParser (#13451) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
    • Process reparse points for Microsoft Store applications (#13481) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
    • Move PSNullConditionalOperators feature out of experimental (#13529)
    • Move PSNativePSPathResolution feature out of Experimental (#13522)
    • Use field if property does not exist for ObRoot when using PowerShell Direct to container (#13375) (Thanks @hemisphera!)
    • Suppress UTF-7 obsolete warnings (#13484)
    • Avoid multiple enumerations of an IEnumerable<Expression> instance in Compiler.cs (#13491)
    • Change Add-Type -OutputType to not support ConsoleApplication and WindowsApplication (#13440)
    • Create warnings when UTF-7 is specified as an encoding (#13430)

    [Read more]

  • How to manage NTFS permissions with PowerShell

    by @BillKindle

    If you’re an IT professional and find yourself struggling with setting file system permission for your organizations, you’re in luck. Managing NTFS permissions using a GUI is time-consuming especially when working with many users or groups. Luckily, we have PowerShell to make it all better. How? The Microsoft.PowerShell.Security module.

    PowerShell has two cmdlets specifically for working with ACLs called Get-ACL and Set-ACL. These two cmdlets can retrieve and assign any number of NTFS permissions which you’ll learn all about in this tutorial. If you want to become more efficient and immediately useful in managing NTFS permissions, keep reading. [Read more]

Trending Github Repositories

Github repositories that are trending are a good way to find and contribute to some cool PowerShell projects! Following is the list of trending PowerShell Github repositories.

Repository Description Stars Forks Num Of Stars Today
samratashok/nishang Nishang – Offensive PowerShell for red team, penetration testing and offensive security. 4,327 1,551 33
lukesampson/scoop A command-line installer for Windows. 11,479 937 56
tokyoneon/Chimera Chimera is a (shiny and very hack-ish) PowerShell obfuscation script designed to bypass AMSI and commercial antivirus solutions. 94 24 35
WazeHell/vulnerable-AD Create a vulnerable active directory that’s allowing you to test most of the active directory attacks in a local lab 213 40 44
BankSecurity/Red_Team Some scripts useful for red team activities 897 230 24
pnp/sp-dev-list-formatting SharePoint List Formatting Samples 467 340 4
EmpireProject/Empire Empire is a PowerShell and Python post-exploitation agent. 5,572 2,022 22

Small and highly portable detection tests based on MITRE’s ATT&CK.

3,767 1,268 16
Azure/RDS-Templates ARM Templates for Remote Desktop Services deployments 213 349 3
pester/Pester Pester is the ubiquitous test and mock framework for PowerShell. 2,299 423 12


Trending PowerShell Developers on Github

Following is the list of amazing developers who are building some cool projects and tools in PowerShell on Github, and popular repositories in their Github profiles.

Developer Popular Repository Repository Description
Andy Zhang demo examples, best practices for k8s volumes on azure, AKS, acs-engine, helm, etc.
Jakub Jareš Assert A set of advanced assertions for Pester to simplify how you write tests.
Megan Marsh packer-examples Some example templates and scripts to help new packer users.
Brian Dukes PowerShellModules A collection of PowerShell modules
Stefan Scherer packer-windows Windows Templates for Packer: Win10, Server 2016, 1709, 1803, 1809, 2019, 1903, 1909, 2004, Insider with Docker
Stephen Edgar posh-monokai Windows PowerShell Monokai Console Color Scheme
Christophe Dervieux r-bucket Personal scoop bucket I use as an R user and software engineer
Doug Finke ImportExcel PowerShell module to import/export Excel spreadsheets, without Excel
Keith Dahlby posh-git A PowerShell environment for Git


Top Tweets


If you are into tech then you can’t miss these PowerShell related popular tweets in last week, here is the list of the top 10 most popular PowerShell tweets…


Twitter Handle Retweet Count Favorite Count Status Status URL
@kmkz_security 127 217 Attack and Defense Around #PowerShell Event Logging: from V2 to V6 (and PWSH that increase your attack surface) -… [Tweet]
@mwbengtsson 43 96 New blog post! Windows 10 Toast Notification Script Update (Poolside Release): Dynamic Application deadline and cus… [Tweet]
@Steve_MSFT 35 93 #PowerShell 7.1-preview.7 is out! This will be our last preview (unless there’s a major issue) before our Release… [Tweet]
@DirectoryRanger 30 72 Deploy #PowerShell ActiveDirectory Module without installing the remote server tools.

@AaronCzechowski 30 70 A new monthly series for #ConfigMgr #PowerShell, the #CmdletOfTheMonth. Sept features the third most used cmdlet in… [Tweet]
@mwbengtsson 27 53 ICYMI: Use Toast Notifications and Powershell App Deployment Toolkit to Upgrade Windows 10…

@ptracesecurity 24 23 Bypass AMSI by manual modification #Antimalware #PowerShell #Windows #JavaScript… [Tweet]
@ThomasMaurer 18 49 How to manage Windows Server 2019 like a boss 💻💪
#WinServ #PowerShell #WindowsAdminCenter…
@guyrleech 17 84 #PowerShell 1 liner to run on domain controllers to show AD account lock out events &amp; the device they occurred on… [Tweet]
@PSJamesP 17 12 We are still needing submissions for #PWSH24 24 hour live stream. for all the information… [Tweet]


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Top Reddit posts

PowerShell Reddit r/PowerShell is a vibrant community and you should be on board if you want to get onto the nerve of PowerShell Community, here is a list of top Reddit posts last week..

Author Title Ups Num of Comments URL
/u/CodingCaroline My running list of PowerShell Tips &amp; Tricks 271 61 [Post]
/u/adbertram How To Manage NTFS Permissions With PowerShell 93 22 [Post]
/u/cloudyamy00 Another great blog post by Adam Bertram in PowerShell Error Handling 87 6 [Post]
/u/kapilusit Windows Service : Setting Recovery Options &amp; Sending Alert Email in case of service failure using PowerShell script – 67 3 [Post]
/u/ntech2 Parsing 200k strings takes over an hour 50 44 [Post]
/u/YourWishIsMine I remade the classic Wizard’s Castle from 1980 in PowerShell and I released it on GitHub today. 48 21 [Post]
/u/imnewsogoeasy Microsoft 365 Administrator PowerShell Profile 39 17 [Post]
/u/l33t_d0nut Module Monday: PoshBot 37 3 [Post]
/u/mr_pavle_stojanovic I think I need to learn RegEx ? 21 31 [Post]
/u/Aihara_Fate File comparison (but not really?) 20 24 [Post]


New on Youtube

Here are all new PowerShell videos uploaded on today and last week!


Channel Title URL
Microsoft 365 & SharePoint Community – PnP PnP Virtual Conference – 09/2020 – PnP PowerShell: become a scripting hero! [Video]
Tips For IT Pros

Powershell Array Object Filtering 100 times faster

Travis Roberts

Find Patch Tuesday with PowerShell

Research Triangle PowerShell Users Group

PowerShell Lightning Talk: Automating SSLabs testing using PowerShell with Clem Messerli

Research Triangle PowerShell Users Group

PowerShell Lightning Talk: Convert Scoop and Winget Packages to Chocolatey with Stephen Valdinger

Patrick Danahy Data Augmentation from the Powershell with OpenCV and Imutils [Video]
Satheshwaran Manoharan

PowerShell Fundamentals

Josh King

PowerShell Live Stream: BurntToast v0.8.0 – Fixing Images

Josh King

Actionable Toast Notifications – BurntToast PowerShell Module Stream #3



Bestseller Books on

Here are the top 10 book titles which were trending as bestsellers under the PowerShell category!


Rank Title Author
1 The PowerShell Conference Book Mark Kraus, Michael Zanatta, Joe Houghes, Christian Coventry, Steven Judd, Phil Bossman, Adil Leghari, Arnaud Petitjean, Bill Kindle
2 The PowerShell Scripting and Toolmaking Book Don Jones, Jeff Hicks
3 The PowerShell Conference Book Jeff Hicks, Mike F Robbins, Michael T Lombardi, The DevOps Collective, Inc.
4 The PowerShell Conference Book Michael T Lombardi, Mark Kraus
5 PowerShell Guide to Python Prateek Singh
6 PowerShell to C# and back Prateek Singh, Deepak Singh Dhami
7 The PowerShell Practice Primer Jeff Hicks
8 Shell of an Idea Don Jones
9 Building PowerShell Modules Brandon Olin
10 Building a PowerShell Tool Adam Bertram


Optical Character Recognition

Author of “PowerShell Guide to Python“, “Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)” and currently writing the most awaited book: “PowerShell to C# and Back” !

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