
If you want to stay on top of #powershell community and whatever is happening around the world related to PowerShell then you are at the right place friend! We will cover Trending Github Repos, Popular Tweets, Trending Reddit posts, new Videos on Youtube and finally, some editors pick which you don’t want to miss 😎

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Table of Contents

Editors Pick

Here are some of the articles specially picked by me for your reading…

  • New mail toolkit (SMTP, IMAP, POP3) with support for oAuth 2.0 and GraphApi for PowerShell

    by @PrzemyslawKlys

    Introducing a new PowerShell module called Mailozaurr. It’s a module that aims to deliver functionality around Email for multiple use cases. I’ve started it since native SMTP cmdlet Send-MailMessage is obsolete,  and I thought it would be good to write a replacement that adds more features over it as things around us are changing rapidly.

  • Enhancing interaction with quotes and brackets by using PSReadline

    by @vsseth

    In this article we will continue exploring content of the SamplePSReadLineProfile.ps1 from the PSReadline module.

    In many code editors interaction with brackets – () {} [] – and quotes – "" ''– goes like this – you type the first one and the second one is added automatically, if you then delete the first bracket or quote using the Backspace key, the second one is also deleted. When you finished entering the content, you type the right bracket or quote and the editor doesn’t add another one but just steps over the existing one.

    The same we can say about PowerShell console.

    If we look in the SamplePSReadLineProfile.ps1 files, we can see many useful functions. But in this article we will examine only those, that relate to its subject.

    Also, for the functionality this article describes to be available in every PowerShell session, it is worthwhile to place the code blocks to the PowerShell profile.

  • Semantic Highlighting in the PowerShell Preview extension for Visual Studio Code

    by @justinytchen

    Hi everyone! I’m Justin and I am currently an intern on the PowerShell team. One of my projects was to add PowerShell semantic highlighting support in VS Code allowing for more accurate highlighting in the editor. I’m excited to share that the first iteration has been released.

    Great news! You don’t have to do anything to get this feature except for making sure you have at least the v2020.7.0 version of the PowerShell Preview extension for Visual Studio Code.

Trending Github Repositories

Github repositories that are trending are a good way to find and contribute to some cool PowerShell projects! Following is the list of top 10 trending PowerShell Github repositories..

Repository Description Stars Forks Num Of Stars Today
BankSecurity/Red_Team Some scripts useful for red team activities 834 212 10
MScholtes/TechNet-Gallery Copies of my ‘Script Center’ and ‘Technet Gallery’ publications 86 21 9
W4RH4WK/Debloat-Windows-10 A collection of Scripts which disable / remove Windows 10 Features and Apps 4,307 618 5
dotnet/machinelearning-samples Samples for ML.NET, an open source and cross-platform machine learning framework for .NET. 2,726 1,690 5
PowerShellMafia/PowerSploit PowerSploit – A PowerShell Post-Exploitation Framework 7,254 2,803 5
microsoftgraph/powershell-intune-samples This repository of PowerShell sample scripts show how to access Intune service resources. They demonstrate this by making HTTPS RESTful API requests to the Microsoft Graph API from PowerShell. 395 268 0
MicrosoftDocs/dynamics-365-unified-operations-public Documentation for Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Dynamics 365 for Retail, and Dynamics 365 for Talent 133 383 0
redcanaryco/atomic-red-team Small and highly portable detection tests based on MITREs ATT&CK. 3624 1,225 3
JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh A prompt theming engine for Powershell 3,655 227 5


Top Tweets


If you are into tech then you can’t miss these PowerShell related popular tweets in last week, here is the list of top 10 most popular PowerShell tweets…

Twitter Handle Retweet Count Favorite Count Status Status URL
@Steve_MSFT 51 132 We ARE making some improvements to DSC support in #PowerShell 7.1. I’m hoping these changes will make it in time¦ Status
@pewa2303 33 45 New blog post: PowerShell: Convert .ps1 Files to .exe Files #PowerShell #DevOps Status
@TylerLeonhardt 26 84 BLOG POST Our intern on the #PowerShell team wrote a post on the new feature of the PowerShell Preview extension Status
@DirectoryRanger 25 66 “How to Find Active Directory Schema Update History by Using #PowerShell. Status
@WindosNZ 24 93 “Uhhh… #PowerShell based toast notifications with a WORKING SELECTION BOX?! Will be plenty of documentation later Status
@DirectoryRanger 20 39 “AADInternals, #PowerShell module for administering Azure AD and Office 365. Status
@JeffHicks 20 37 #PowerShell TweetTip: White space and formatting is your friend. VSCode can format your scripts for you. Use it. Status
@NickyvV 18 35 Have a look at my new blog post on how to Refresh a Power BI Dataset with PowerShell and a Service Principal Status
@PWSHChicago 18 24 The endearing keynote given by the one and only @jsnover , keynote speaker for the #Chicago #PowerShell #Conference… Status
@IngoGegenwarth 18 16 [New post] Want an outlook about automation of #MSExchange with #PowerShell EXOv2 module? Part one Status



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Top Reddit posts

PowerShell Reddit r/PowerShell is a vibrant community and you should be on board if you want to get onto the nerve of PowerShell Community, here is a list of top Reddit posts last week..

Author Title Ups Num of Comments URL
/u/DragonToutNu I’ve created my first practical script and I felt like a king 247 61 Post
/u/awarre WSUS cleanup, optimization, maintenance, and configuration script 146 67 Post
/u/Skunklabz Microsoft Windows Terminal Setup using Chocolatey and Oh-My-Posh 133 15 Post
/u/l33t_d0nut Module Monday: ImportExcel 102 13 Post
/u/Fezza7991 Benefits of Using GitHub to Store PowerShell Scripts? 82 49 Post
/u/kennyygrow999 Whats the difference between programming and scripting 80 55 Post
/u/Bugibugi Get-WhatToEat 78 22 Post
/u/randomadhdman First Powershell Module 70 33 Post
/u/Wireless_Life How to domain join Windows 10 Azure Lab Service VMs via PowerShell 49 2 Post
/u/Dereference_operator How often you guys see/work on Windows Server / Azure in production compared to Linux / AWS ? 30 14 Post


New on Youtube

Here are all new PowerShell videos uploaded on last week!

Title Channel Video URL
How to Install Google Chrome using Windows PowerShell Tech Access Video
How to automate the registration of a scheduled task through GPO using PowerShell? Roel Van de Paar Video
How can I run PowerShell commands without enclosing arguments in quotes? Roel Van de Paar Video
Filtering output – how to use Where-Object and Select-Object – PowerShell for IT Professionals Kamil Procyszyn Video
Updating your PowerShell Module using Get-InstalledModuleUpdate script Blogabout Cloud Video
PowerShell + Intune = PowerAppDeployment! MC2MC Video
Hyper V VM Export and Import with Powershell on Windows Server 2012 R2 AboutIT Video
Move the mouse cursor with Powershell – Simple Ticks IT_Master Video
Barbara Forbes – When powers combine: Azure Function Apps & PowerShell Azure Thursday Video
Script your phishing mailbox processing with powershell & O365 – Alex Bliskavka – BSidesOK 2020 BSidesOK Video


Bestseller Books on

Here are the top 10 book titles which were trending as bestsellers under the PowerShell category!

Rank Book Title Author
1 The PowerShell Scripting and Toolmaking Book Don Jones and Jeff Hicks
2 Shell of an Idea Don Jones
3 PowerShell to C# and back Prateek Singh and Deepak Singh Dhami
4 The PowerShell Practice Primer Jeff Hicks
5 The PowerShell Conference Book. Vol 1 Mike F RobbinsMichael T LombardiJeff Hicks, and The DevOps Collective, Inc.
6 PowerShell Tips to Write By Adam Bertram
7 #PS7Now Jeff Hicks
Brandon Olin
Adam Bertram
Bryce McDonald

Optical Character Recognition

Author of “PowerShell Guide to Python“, “Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)” and currently writing the most awaited book: “PowerShell to C# and Back” !

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